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 Apply here for the EndermanCommunity Server here, please answer these questions on the list below. Remember only use banning as a last resort.
  • Do NOT use slang of any kind.
    Do NOT have an endless wall of text (Use line breaks).
    Do NOT abbreivate needlessly and give your responses in full sentences, using correct punctuation and spelling. Most modern browsers have a built-in spellcheck function.
    Interact with players, make them feel welcome.
    Maintain a professional attitude.
    Promote applying for staff to players you feel are suitable candidates.
    Do not give information or advice on matters you are not 100% certain on, defer to another member of staff if required.
    Be active on your respective server. Logging in a for a few minutes before leaving again is NOT an acceptable practice.
    You are REQUIRED to be online on and available on Skype
    Always consider a ban the last possible resort (except in extreme circumstances), try to resolve things with players privately (where possible).
    Vote for your respective server(s) daily and advise players of the benefits of doing so. Votes help the network gain more exposure and awareness among potential players.
    Report any duplication/griefing behavior to the Prime Admin.
    Monitor player activities unobtrusively. Let them know you are about, do NOT intentionally make it difficult for them to play by getting in their way.
    Do NOT simply use the /vanish command, a visible presence is always better.
    Help with network-related projects as and when required. Examples include in-game buildings or structures such as developing communal areas or outside of the game on things such as plugin config files.
    Report bugs! Things that are broken should be reported to see if there is a possible fix.
    Tell us how you would handle the multiple hostile scenarios below:
    Someone harassing a player.
    Someone griefing or raiding a player in a non grief/raid world.
    Someone impersonating staff or the classic "I am from Planet Minecraft" scheme.
    Someone claiming to be favored by staff or knowing the owner to get special treatment.
    Someone insulting the staff, server, or network.
    Someone advertising another server.
    Someone spam advertising social media or any other type of link.
    Someone using racist remarks towards others.
    Someone using foul language to others or staff.
    Someone refusing to listen to staff or do as they are told.

  • Pleae write you Minecraft
    usuer name in the subject
Send us an email answering all these questions indivisually. 

Success! Message received.

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